Thursday, March 6, 2014

Baby #2 - 15 weeks

Date: March 6, 2014

Photo Thoughts: And again, I didn't take a photo.....sorry!

Size of Baby: Navel Orange

Cravings/Aversions: Seriously, I only want ice coffee and a large diet coke from McDonald's! I have no aversions. Everything sounds good to me!!!

What I'm Loving: Our NEW house!!!!

What I'm Anticipating: Finding out the sex of the baby and decorating their nursery.

Missing Anything: Not missing too much this week.

Worries: Same old things.

How I'm Feeling: Awesome and exhausted! Moving sucks and I didn't even have to help that much since I pulled the preggo card. This has definitely been an exhausting week!

Sleep: Insomnia from like 1am-3am pretty frequently and it's getting on my nerves!!!

Movement: I really feel like I felt a flutter on our first night in the new house and a couple of times since.

Other Thoughts: I'm really enjoying spending time with Myla because I know she won't be the only one for long.

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